The government announced a second lockdown from Thursday 5 November to Wednesday 2 December across England – but what does this mean to car repairs, servicing and MOTs?

During the first lockdown back in March, car repair and maintenance services were allowed to remain open, operating safely under the government’s social distancing rules. Motorists whose MOT was due between 30 March and 31 July were automatically given a 6 month MOT extension, providing their vehicle was in a roadworthy condition. From 1 August, motorists had to book their MOT tests as normal.
What is happening this November?
During the second nationwide lockdown, car garages carrying out repairs, servicing and MOTs are allowed to stay open, ensuring that motorists are safe on the roads. There are currently no plans for MOT extensions, so if your vehicle is due, it must be tested on the date it has been given.
BMS cars are open, operating safely under the government’s guidance. With more motorists needing MOTs from the backlog of the extension, it’s a good idea to get your MOT booked in now. You can book online here, or get in touch with one of our friendly service team on 01243 201011.
Unsure about your MOT? You can check your MOT history, get a reminder, and more information about the end of exemptions on